Pet Wellness Exams

Have your pets had their regular wellness exams? If not, now’s a great time to schedule them. These visits are an essential part of your pets’ preventative care. If you're looking for a vet near you in Fort Wayne, IN, Aboite Animal Clinic offers comprehensive wellness check-ups for dogs and cats of all ages. Let’s explore why these visits at our vet clinic are so important and when to schedule them for your pets.

Pet Wellness Exam

What’s Included in a Pet Wellness Exam?

These exams cover various aspects of your pet’s health and well-being. The services typically included in these visits are:

- Physical exam

- Parasite prevention and/or treatment if needed

- Vaccinations

- Urine, stool, or blood tests if necessary

- Advice on diet, nutrition, behavior, and other areas of concern

What Should I Expect During This Visit?

Not sure what happens during a pet exam? Our vet carefully checks your pet for any signs of conditions or illnesses that may be present but hard to detect on the surface. During check-ups, we typically:

- Take your pet’s vital signs

- Physically examine their eyes, ears, paws, and other areas

- Listen to their breathing and heart

- Check their weight

- Provide parasite preventive products

- Update vaccinations

- Run tests, such as stool samples for heartworm

How Do These Exams Benefit My Pets?

Wellness visits enable us to detect problems early so that treatment or management can begin promptly. Addressing health issues early helps lower the risk of complications. Remember, pets don’t always show obvious signs of illness, especially with certain conditions. These visits also ensure that your pet is up-to-date on their vaccinations. Additionally, we can provide you with products to protect them from heartworm, ticks, and fleas.

When Do My Pets Need Wellness Exams?

Our animal hospital staff can advise you on the best schedule for these visits based on your pet's specific needs. In general, pets should have wellness exams on the following schedule:

- Every few weeks or more frequently until they’re a year old

- Once a year after they turn a year old

- Twice a year when they become seniors

Visit Our Animal Hospital in Fort Wayne, IN

Is it time for your pet’s checkup? Our vet is here to help! Call Aboite Animal Clinic at (260) 432-5525 to schedule an appointment with our veterinarian in Fort Wayne. Our animal clinic offers routine check-ups to keep pets healthy and give you peace of mind.

Emergency Care

Limited Emergency Appointments

Please call us first so we can properly advise you on the best course of action and to confirm availability (260) 432-5525

If we are closed and have an emergency, please contact Dr. Gupta's pager number at (260) 480-6018

Boarding & Grooming only

(260) 222-5392

Aboite Animal Clinic


4142 Covington Rd,
Fort Wayne, IN 46804




7:00 am - 6:00 pm


7:00 am - 6:00 pm


7:00 am - 6:00 pm


7:00 am - 6:00 pm


7:00 am - 6:00 pm


7:00 am - 12:00 pm



Boarding Pickup












6:00 pm - 6:30 pm


8:00 am - 8:30 am

6:00 pm - 6:30 pm